Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I always wondered how God would hide a people from the World for so many years undetected. Well, if you ask you will get your answer!

I thought about the different technologies that we have at our disposal and how we see satellites orbiting the Earth from space to take snap shots of places that we cannot reach by foot etc. and wondered how people would MISS such a large civilization for so many years.
The clue revealed in the Quran about the ‘BARRIER’ that prevents them from emerging is in Verses 95 & 96 of the above mentioned chapter in the Holy Quran:
95. He (Zul-Qarnain) said: "(The power) in which my Lord has established me is better (than tribute): Help me therefore with strength (and labour): I will erect a strong barrier between you and them:
96. "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."
Zul-Qarnain asked the people of that area to help him build a ‘BARRIER’ between them and Juj and Majuj. They build this barrier using IRON and MOLTEN LEAD.

Now one would think that if we can detect Minerals on other planets especially on Earth then wouldn’t we be able to detect a region of land that has a combination of Iron and Lead?

If you had to think about the age of the Earth, from the time it cooled down and became Land and Water etc. How many times would the Earth have shifted its Poles and how close were the Continents to each other?

The above questions are what motivated me to looking closer into this subject. Bare in mind that at this point all of this is merely an opinion. I began thinking about how many years ago did all this actually take place and to me it sounds a lot like it might have occurred before any of the other Prophets that were sent. It just seemed to me that this is a story that is extremely ancient history.

I wondered why the Revelation did NOT state WEST or EAST, but rather refers to these regions or directions that Zul-Qarnain traveled as the direction of the ‘Rising Sun’ and the ‘Setting Sun’.

Then I found news on the Net about how our Poles (North and South) always change location over a certain number of Thousands of years. I knew about continental drift but I never thought that the Poles shift as well… So this information is based on the assumption that the Earth’s Poles and continents were quite different than it is today.

A shift in the Poles will trigger the Earth to spin in the opposite direction thereby making the Sun appear the Rise from the West. This is a major sign of the Last Day. There will be NO forgiveness for people that do not accept that ALLAH is the only ONE God and that He has no partners, and that Nabi Muhammad (SAW) is His Last and Final Messenger. But that does make sense. At that point in time, mankind cannot all of a sudden accept GOD as HE Truly is after so many years and sacrifices that The Holy Prophets (Peace and Blessings be Upon them ALL) made for us, the numerous prophecies that came before this event (Western Sun Rise) and all that ALLAH made clear for anybody who had the faculty of thought and reason.

Piecing up all the clues and all the evidence, will not enable one to calculate the Final Hour as Knowledge of that moment is with ALLAH alone. However, I feel that we can look and see how elements or forces in the universe etc. are building up towards this event.

Elements of the WallThis site on the Tribes of Juj and Majuj has a lot of Hadith narrated on this subject:http://www.islam.tc/prophecies/yajooj.html

Once again we can see from the above site, ALLAH is in control of these people until He will free them. Therefore the obvious ways for them to break through the wall do no occur to them until ALLAH decides or lets it enter their minds.

What we know about these tribes is mostly unknown… from what the Quran tells us about the incident concerning them and Zul-Qarnain I don’t think that Zul-Qarnain had met them (Juj and Majuj) personally.

I also wonder how long it took them to erect such a Wall and then to pour Molten Lead over it etc.?

From what I understand, they first build a Wall of Iron to seal the passage between the steep Mountain pass and then heated the metal to combine it with Molten Lead. – This would definitely be a tough wall.

Now Imagine that this Huge Metallic/Lead wall was built so many ages ago… What would something like this resemble today if we came across it?

Some think that the Wall is in a land of Ice hidden from mankind (Or somewhere so deep into the Icy regions that no man can go there) this would imply any of the Poles.

If the poles shifted, the Ice covering the regions would also melt away and this could expose the Wall, and maybe the wall will be so old through the centuries that it could be leveled to Dust. – Maybe I am being too literal here, but how long will it take a mass of Iron and Lead to age into dust?

Most ancient ruins become part of the background that they were laid to rest on, so to speak. So this Wall and the Mountain pass it resides between could look like one huge ‘object’ or mountain. – It would have been a remarkable sight to behold at the actual time this wall was build.

So what exactly are we ‘looking’ at in our minds in terms of how this wall was constructed?

I searched the Net for information on a procedure or method and benefits of Interacting Iron with Molten Lead and came across many sites on the subject…

I thought about why Zul-Qarnain build a Wall of Iron blocks and then poured Molten Lead over it and discovered that this method of pouring molten lead over Iron serves as a way to ensure that the Wall was hardened, strengthened and finally sealed completely.

Today we have a similar (If not the same) method called Austempering which is an isothermal heat treatment (Constant temperature of Heat) that, when applied to ferrous (Metallic) materials, produces a structure that is stronger and tougher than comparable structures produced with conventional heat treatments.

Zul-Qarnain asked these people to blow on the Iron with their Bellows in the following verse:
96. "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."
A bellow is an apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle. Something, such as the pleated windbag of an accordion that resembles this apparatus. It could also mean The lungs.

During my research on the method used for constructing and securing the Wall and while I read an article on the Austempering method for improving the strength of a structure that undergoes the Austempering process I read the following:”The parts (Metallic Parts) are heated to red heat in a controlled atmosphere (so they don't scale) but then are quenched in a bath of molten salt at 450°F (232c) to 750°F (399c). The quench temperature is above the Martensite starting temperature. Therefore, a different structure (not Martensite) results. In Austempered Ductile Iron and Austempered Gray Iron the structure is Ausferrite, and in steel, it is Bainite” - REF: http://www.appliedprocess.com/austempering/default.htm

In the extract above we read that the metallic parts of the structure is heated to RED HEAT, and if we read the above stated Quranic verse regarding the process used to construct the Wall we also read in the Quranic Verse that these people blew on the Iron with their bellows until it was RED as fire BEFORE Zul-Qarnain poured the Molten Lead over the Wall.

96. "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain-sides, He said, "Blow (with your bellows)" Then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."

If I am not mistaken then it sounds a lot like the method implemented to construct the Wall that barricades Juj and Majuj was very close if not the exact same method used in Austempering.


Unknown said...

hay,, I havnt read the complete story , but read it up to point where poles shift and earth starts to move in opposite direction and ice caps melt. well as far as i know, when poles shift, it's just a fluctuation of earths megnatic field that we hardly know the origin of, so when they shift, it means north becomes south and south becomes north, never means earth starts moving in opposite direction, or ice caps melt... but, these things are related, north becomes south, so east becomes west, anddd, during this shift, the earth's megnatic field which blocks megnatic storms from sun, gets weaker, so earth might get warmer and aid in melting of ice caps, i'm not sure about it though... dont wana say it though, but why're we so eager about the end of the world? get life, got loads to do, it'll end when it will have to,, Allah's the better one to take care of begining and the end,

Unknown said...

The above discussion give us fine ideas regarding the Austempering Technology. This is a fine and exact result for the Austempering Technology.

Unknown said...

There is no cosmological evidence of poles shifting. What you are confusing is the PRECESSION of the earths axis. This precession circle takes 26000 year to complete. Today Polaris is the pole star in 3000 AD Gamma Cephie will be the future pole star and after 26000 years from now Polaris will again be the pole star. It is never that north and south pole switch over.

Unknown said...

excellent work really astonishing ,through this we can understand the divinity of quran the way it tells